Now in India (~3/2)
by hoffman-nada
| 2011-12-04 14:38
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Japan Jan 18 nada yoga workshop @ Gunma University Hospital (Maebashi) 24 performing arts festival @ Komoro City Hall (Nagano) Mar 27-28 seminar leader @ Tokyo University of Social Welfare April 5 co-performance in SeeSaw Full Moon Festival (Kamakura) 11-12 seminar leader @ Tokyo University of Social Welfare 25-26 seminar leader @ Tokyo University of Social Welfare May 6 paper & perf in int'l conference 'Dialogue Methodologies for Social Change' @ United Nations University UNU-IAS (Tokyo) 14 shakuhachi performance for foreign student welcome party in Daito Bunka University (Saitama) 15 panelist in academia seminar @ Japan India Association (Tokyo) 24 presenter in regional cultural exchange seminar (Maebashi) 25 teacher training seminar for Green Leaves Academy (Odawara) July 18 & 26 benefit concerts in Japan for Nepal earthquake victims India tour 15 Aug - 15 Sep : Wisdom World School, National Integrated Forum of Artists & Activists NIFAA, Readers & Writers Society of India RWSI, American Embassy School, Global Arts Village, Centre for Cultural Resources & Training CCRT, Sikkim University, Kolkata events Dec 12 concert for Middle East refugees @ Amuse Museum (Tokyo) <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> 2014 USA (Hawaii) March 12 perf/workshop @ Bodhi Tree Meditation Center (Honolulu) 18 performance @ Life Care Center (Hilo) 19 performance @ The Magic Pan Creperie (Hilo) Japan April 7 inducted as honorary member in Music Pen Club Japan (Tokyo) 9 perform after Ambassador speech in India-Japan Symposium (Tokyo) 29 concert @ WaGaYa (Tomioka, Gunma) May 14 Sound culture consultancy @ Pioneer Electronics Corp (Tokyo) 16 presentation of awards to performers in Carnatica concert (Tokyo) 30 performance @ Hotel Floracion Aoyama (Tokyo) Jun 14 performance in Japanese Lounge Night (Meguro, Tokyo) Jul 8 concert @ Halle (Tsurugashima, Saitama) 25 panel in intl conference @ United Nations University (Tokyo) USA Aug 28 performance @ Travelers Thali Restaurant (Seattle WA) Sep 6 performance/workshop @ Nova Studios (Red Lion PA) 8 lecture-recital @ Penn State University (York PA) Japan Sep 13 performance in Vibration Table festival (Shimonita, Gunma) 24-Jan 2014 autumn term at Keio University/world music course (Tokyo) 26-30 Hokkaido tour - private teaching, Hokkaido University conf (Sapporo) Oct 18 perf in Nozomi no Sono Mentally Challenged Institution (Takasaki) 19 perf in Bluegrass & Dixieland Jazz bands fest (Nanmokumura, Gunma) 25 shakuhachi performance in Nishikasai Diwali Festival (Tokyo) Nov 1 performance in Umang-Celebrations of Life (Ojima, Tokyo) 9 shakuhachi perf in Harvest Music Festival (Nanmokumura, Gunma) 22 Matej & Tim perf for SMILE Home for the Aged (Motojuku, Gunma) Dec 3 [ w/sarangi duo Pdt Santosh Kumar Mishra & Sangeet Mishra ] 3pm demonstration for 'Sound Culture' course @ Keio University (Tokyo) 7pm *RAGA MOODS*ASIA SOUNDS* @ Cafe KICK (Shimokitaza, Tokyo) 28 EUROASIA MODALMANIA concert w/Matej Kolenic@Amuse Museum <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> 2013 Japan Jan 2 T M Hoffman & Zeek @Chikyuya, Shintomura (Gunma) India tour 12 - 28 February (Delhi & Uttar Pradesh) 15 lecture-recital in India International Centre (New Delhi) 16 SPIC-MACAY lecture-demo in Modern School w/Kushal Das (New Delhi) 19 performance in BrahMos conference w/Shivkumar Sharma (New Delhi) 20 concert for int'l conference in TERI-GRAM (Gurgaon) 22 lecture-recital in Nehru Gram Bharati University (Allahabad) 23 visit/studies with Guruji Pandit Ganesh Prasad Mishra (Lucknow) 26 meeting with Secretary, Sangeet Natak Akademi (New Delhi) 27 Chinese New Year event with Chinese artists at FICCI (New Delhi) USA visit 8 – 25 March (primarily for family affairs) 22 mtg w/Zakir Hussain & Charles Lloyd @Kennedy Center (Washington DC) Japan May 15 TNT*world music explosion* @TSUKIYA (Gunma) July 10 Asian Century Sounds @Monkey Forest, Shibuya (Tokyo) Sep 14 performance in Vibration Table Festival @Shimonita (Gunma) 21 ‘india & japan <> art & faith’ concert @Holy Saviour’s Church (Nagano) 23 Japan Tiger & Elephant Fund benefit concert @Embassy of India (Tokyo) Oct 9 lecture-recital in Sound Culture of the World @Keio University (Tokyo) < Nov 15 – 22 events w/Sangeet Mishra (sarangi) & Amit Mishra (tabla) > Nov 16 12:30 concert in Gunma Kenmin Kaikan w/WarabiZa (Maebashi) " 18:30 concert in Yotacco (Uenomura, Gunma) 18 13:30 performance @Int'l Community School (Isezaki, Gunma) " 19:00 concert/workshop w/Gunma Jr Orchestra (Tamamura, Gunma) 19 performance in live house BLUEBERRY (Tomioka, Gunma) 22 'play' music event @Kaki-no-ki Kindergarten (Tomioka) <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> 2012 India, Sri Lanka & Singapore tour of 23 January - 21 March 2012 = January in India = 23-28 meetings with artists and institutions of Tamil Nadu (Chennai) 28-31 music and conference at South India Baptist Bible College (Coimbatore) = February in India & Sri Lanka = 4-5 Manipal University rehearsals, consultations with staff (Uddupi) 6 concert “Asian Classical Crossover” at Manipal University 8 performance in Nada Yoga & Music Therapy Conference (Bangalore) 10 visit Ananya GML Cultural Institute; Rishi Gurukulam ; Born Free School 13-17 teaching residency in American International School Chennai (Chennai) 17 concert with staff and Chennai pros in AISC (Chennai) <19-26 Sri Lanka> 20 meetings w/ Embassy of Japan & Indian Culture Centre (Colombo) 22 lecture-concert in National University of Visual & Performing Arts (Colombo) * official event of 60th anniversary of Japan-Sri Lanka diplomatic relations 23 meetings with Secretary, Sri Lanka Ministry of Arts & Culture (Colombo) & with Executive Director, Sarvodaya (Moratuwa) 24 planning & rehearsals with Natanda Dance Theatre of Sri Lanka (Colombo) 25 lecture-recital and workshops at Bhatkhande Sangeet Vidyalaya (Kottawa) 26 performance in Seminar on Japanese Drama, Kelaniya University (Kelaniya) * official event of 60th anniversary of Japan-Sri Lanka diplomatic relations <26 return to India> 27-28 rehearsals with Anirban Bhattacharyya & visit to AIIS/ARCE (Gurgaon) = March in India, Singapore & Japan= 1 int’l conference “Musical Traditions of Asian Countries” (University of Delhi) 2 lecture-concert at Indira Gandhi National Open University IGNOU (Saket) & meeting with Principal, Japanese School New Delhi (Vasant Nagar) 4 koto workshop with musicians of Iran, Germany & India (New Delhi) 6 lecture "Risk Management" & concert in JIS College of Engineering (Kalyani) 7 meet w/Consul-General of Japan & Sangeet Research Academy (Kolkata) 8 HOLI celebrations (Kolkata) 9 concert in American Center, with Anirban Bhattacharya (Kolkata) 11 3/11 Japan memorial in Embassy of Japan & Japan Foundation (New Delhi) 12 all-school lecture-concert in Japanese School New Delhi (Vasant Nagar) * official event of 60th anniversary of Japan-India diplomatic relations & placement of koto instrument to be also available to Indira Gandhi National Open University IGNOU Dept of Performing Arts and others in New Delhi area throughout year of 2012 <13-20 Singapore> 15 lecture-demonstration in Singapore Indian Fine Arts Society SIFAS; meeting with East-West Center Alumni Association 17 workshop in 'Asian Cities Arts Festival' of National University of Singapore 18 concert w/Jatinder Singh Bedi in NUS 'Asian Cities Arts Festival' 19 meet NUS professors on interdisciplinary studies & October 2012 project <20 Singapore departure / 21 Japan arrival> Japan Mar 22 perform in Japan India Partnership Forum Media Conference (Tokyo) 26-27 intercultural relations courses @Tokyo Univ of Social Welfare (Isesaki) April 14 DaVinci Project int'l conference @ Ashikaga High School (Ashikaga) 15-16 intercultural relations courses @Tokyo Univ of Social Welfare (Isesaki) June 23 India culture & society lecture for Int'l Association (Takasaki) July 1 Night Knight 'Furusato' movie screening & performance (Jujo) 3 lecture-concert @ Tokyo College of Music High School (Tokyo) 4 live @ RAKUYA w/Sakasegawa Kenji (Nakameguro, Tokyo) Aug 3-4 & 8-9 teach intercultural relations courses @ TUSW (Tokyo) 12-13 & 18-19 teach intercultural relations courses @ TUSW (Nagoya) 17 shakuhachi raga performance @ India Fair (Nagoya) 24 Indian music course @ Children's Summer School (Shimonita, Gunma) Sep 8 shakuhachi performance @ Vibration Table Festival (Shimonita) 9 meeting w/visiting troupe in Sri Lanka Festival @ Yoyogi Park (Tokyo) 20-Jan 2013 autumn semester 4 courses in Daito Bunka University (Saitama) 22 performance in Namaste India Festival @ Yoyogi Park (Tokyo) 26 perf w/Serioja Mihai (gypsy violin) & Amrat Hussain (tabla) @ lown (Tokyo) 28 "Sound culture of Japan/Asia/world" in Human Rights series (Shimonita) Oct 1 (same as above) (Nanmokumura, Gunma) 6 performance @ TSUKIYA (Shintomura, Gunma) 9 "Japanese hardware, Indian software" lecture in Asian Forum @ ICU (Mitaka) Singapore working tour <25 Oct - 07 Nov> 25-28 int'l conference "Performers Voice" National University of Singapore NUS 29 (3 pm) guest artist-scholar in Fellow's Tea session @ Tembusu College (7 pm) join Sonic Escapade ensemble at Singapore Polytechnic University 30 teach 2 courses @ NUS - Issues in World Music & Music of India 31 lecture-recital @ Singapore Management University Nov 1 perform in Euro-Asian Management Studies Association Int'l Conference 2 mehfil (traditional music event) with Hindustani musicians of Singapore 3 13:00 lecture-demonstration @ Japan Creative Center of Embassy of Japan 19:30 perform in Indian Diwali festival @ West Coast Community Centre Hall 5 lecture-demonstration @ Japanese Association of Singapore (in Japanese) 6 return to Japan 11 Japan Intercultural Institute conference @ Shirayuri College (Tokyo) 14 performance w/Kenji Sakasegawa (tabla) @ lown in Shimokitazawa (Tokyo) 17 performance @ TSUKIYA (Shintomura, Gunma) Dec 1 lecture-concert in Yokohama EurAsian Culture Museum (Yokohama) 12 performance (3 stages) in ISETAN meets INDIA exhibitions (Tokyo) * official event of 60th anniversary of Japan-India diplomatic relations <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> 2011 India tour of 15 December 2010 - 20 February 2011 = December 2010 = 17 concert in City Pulse Institute of Film & Television, Ahmedabad 19 concert for Saptak Club, Ahmedabad 23-26 Christmas celebrations in Mumbai and Chennai 27-31 attend concerts & prepare music with artists & students, Chennai 29 lecture-demonstration and recital in The Music Academy, Chennai = January 2011 = early Jan interaction with artists and institutions in Tamil Nadu 15 performance & workshop for Dakshina Chitra culture park, Chennai 16-20 resident lecturer and concert in American International School, Chennai 19 lecture-demonstration for International Rotary Club of Chennai 20 workshop for Shashank and other young maestros of Chennai 21 shakuhachi lecture launching Institute of Ethnomusicology, Bangalore 22-26 concert & lecture in ISS In'tl Music Conference, Bangalore 27 concert in official launch of Lotus & Crysanthemum Trust, Bangalore 28-30 with Attakkalari artists (of Iran, Sri Lanka, Korea, etc), Bangalore 31 meeting with professors at Manipal University, Udupi = February = 1 concert in Sri Krishna Mutt temple, Udupi 4-6 workshops & performance in Rishi Vidyalaya Gurukulam, Vizag 7 performance for Lebenshilfe Institute for Mentally Challenged, Vizag 11 seminar & recital in TERI at Habitat Centre, New Delhi 13-19 escort of visiting Japanese musicians through northern India Japan late February-early September - teaching Spring term courses in Keio University, leading intercultural training seminars at three universities; performances and practical music training workshops; IJMEA 2011-2012 project planning for Asia, Europe & USA USA tour 19 September - 10 November = September= 24 International Christian University Alumni conference (Berkeley, California) 28 Syracuse Arts Academy (Syracuse, Utah) – lecture-recital for middle school <> www.syracuseartsacademy.org = October = 07 video recording at York Emporium (York, Pennsylvania) 13 jazz sessions at Victor's (York, PA) 14 workshop-recital at Dallastown Middle School (Dallastown, PA) 16 piano accompaniment & shakuhachi solo at nursing home (York, PA) 19 Maryland Institute College of Arts MICA lecture-recital (Baltimore, MD) <> http://www.galleriesmagazine.com/?p=972 22 Towson University Asian Arts Festival concert (Towson, MD) <> http://www.towson.edu/asianarts/events/index.asp 27 Ben's Restaurant live performance (38th St & 7th Ave, Manhattan) 28-31 private teaching and consulting, visit Columbia University, Tenri Cultural Institute, Intl Christian Univ Foundation (New York City) 29 East-West Center Asia-Pacific Leadership Program meeting (Manhattan) = November = 01 collaboration in early Western music concert @ Nyack College (Broadway) 02 Rubin Museum of Art concert <> http://www.rmanyc.org/ (NYC) 05 Chhandayan Music concert <> http://www.tabla.org/concerts/ (NYC) 06 with jazzman Bob Blyman & early music artist M Maki (Long Island) 08 UCLA Ethnomusicology Dept lecture-recital (Los Angeles, CA) Japan 15 & 16 performances in 7 stages for AVEDA ayurvedic product launch (Tokyo) 30 workshops for S American & Asian immigrant children in Int'l Community School; for Japanese students in public school (Isezaki) = December = 05 & 06 India-Japan Dialogue conferences at Int'l House of Japan (Tokyo) 07 workshops for immigrant children & Japanese students (see Nov 30, above) 18 performance for Tomioka Int'l Association (Tomioka, Gunma) <<<<<<< >>>>>>> 2010 *10 January – 03 March 2010 (all-India) : music festivals, int'l conferences & university events =January= 14 IITB - lec-dem: "Trad Japanese hardware & Indian software" (Mumbai) 16-17 NCPA - participation in ITC/SRA Music Conference (Mumbai) 20 Rajarani Music Festival - concert: "Classical Crossroads" (Bhubaneswar) 21 Xavier Institute of Management - SPIC-MACAY concert (Bhubaneswar) 23-27 exchanges with musicians and institutions (Puri) 30 A.P. Gov't College of Music - concert: "Tyagaraja Festival" (Warangal, A.P.) 31 Bala Vikas - perf in Kakatiya Psychological Assn Int'l Conf (Warangal) =February= 04 Ananda Vanam Ashram of Sivananda Murthy - concert (Bheemili, A. P) 07 Lebenshilfe Institute for the Mentally Challenged - class (Visakhapatnam) 08 Andhra University - exchanges with profs and students (Visakhapatnam) 11 Queen Mary's College Intl Conference - special guest lecture (Chennai) 14 Sivakami Pettarchi Auditorium - concert w/Ravikiran+4 (Chennai) 16 Recording with Danish artist Henrik Andersen in cathedral (Pondicherry) 18 Live at Blue Frog Club - performance with Amit Mishra & others (Mumbai) 20 Interview for Harbourfront Films on MUST Radio, Mumbai Univ (Mumbai) 22 IITB – special lecture in new Japanese language course (Mumbai) 26 India Int'l Centre - lec-perf "Going regional in a global world" (New Delhi) 27 Manzil Youth Empowerment & Learning Center consultations (New Delhi) 28 Feb-01 Mar Holi with Guru Pandit Ganesh Prasad Mishra family (Lucknow) 02 Conference w/Dr T V Sairam, NADA Centre for Music Therapy (New Delhi) Japan *March-April : performances & workshops for schools and public in Japan Mar 8-20 Intl Community School music course for immigrant youth (Gunma) Mar 14 World cuisine & music center Sangam - concert (Takasaki) Apr 15 Lecture-workshop for Global Indian International School (Tokyo) *April-July : Keio University courses, performance events in Japan August 7-8 & 14-15: Intensive teacher training in musico-linguistics (9 hrs x 2 days x 2 courses) for Tokyo University of Social Welfare (Tokyo) 20 & 21 Aug 'Music of India & Japan' concerts in Shimonita & Karuizawa USA September 15 - November 15: USA performance & lecture tour VOA Voice of America, UCLA, York College, schools; NYC & Washington DC India Dec 2010-January 2011 : perf & lecture tour (see 2011 sched) <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> 2009 *February-March (Sri Lanka & India), supported by SriLankan Airlines : charity concerts, lectures, international conferences (22 events) [Embassies of USA, India & Japan; national universities of Sri Lanka & India; health and welfare co-projects with int'l NPOs] *April-July (Japan) : Keio University courses, writing, performance, planning *September (Vietnam) : joint projects with artists and institutions *October-December (Japan) : Keio University courses, writing October-November : performance and education events (12) with Amit Mishra <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> 2008 *Dec 07-Feb 08 (all-India) : workshops/performances in AIIS "Japanese koto in Indian music" Stage III of American Institute of Indian Studies Fellowship *12 February (Chandigarh, India) : T M Hoffman titled 'Sangeet Acharya' by two national arts associations *08-22 March (S India/4 cities) : official India-Japan Friendship Year concert tour of Japanese troupe & Indian artists, for Ministry of Foreign Affairs & AOTS *April-July (Japan) : teaching "Listening to Asia" course (Keio University, Tokyo), workshops & performances *11-16 July (Bangalore, India) : "Africa Meets Asia" International Music Conference & Festival *July-August (all-India) : 9 concerts organized by Embassy of USA, support of Air India; workshops, teacher training in universities; research & vocal training *October (USA) : performances, lecture-demonstrations, lectures; Society for Ethnomusicology Conference (Wesleyan University); York College, Tufts University, Boston College, Amherst College; Wash DC & NYC events *November-December (Japan) : performance and education events; Asiatic Music Research Society National Conference ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
by hoffman-nada
| 2010-04-01 00:00
* 38 years in Asia (Japan 27, India 6, other) as student, performer, scholar, professor, writer, translator, producer, NPO director, activist for intra-Asian exchange in music and language; honors graduate of four universities in three nations; 18 yrs lecturer & professor in Japan, India & USA (ethnomusicology)
* Write, teach & sing in Japanese, Hindi & English languages, and perform Indian & Japanese classical and original music; trained extensively under Pandit Ganesh Prasad Mishra (India/vocal), Living National Treasure Yamaguchi Goro (Japan/shakuhachi), Grace Mundorf Myers (USA/piano), other native masters (Indian sitar, tabla, Javanese gamelan, Korean music, Sri Lankan music) * Visharad (5-year) degrees in Hindustani classical music in N India’s premier music college (1992): in classical vocal (later introducing Japanese poetic texts in thumri & khyal forms); in flute, with gov’t permission using Japanese shakuhachi (now officially an instrument of Indian music). * American Institute of Indian Studies AIIS Senior Performing & Creative Arts Fellow 2006-2008: R & D project “Asian Classical Crossover – Indian classical music on the Japanese koto” including placement of instruments in University of Delhi, University of Madras, Bhatkhande Music Institute *These ‘classical crossover’ applications are based on extensive research and trials, and authenticated by performances in prestigious venues and broadcasts throughout Asia & in the West (University of Chicago, Princeton U, Cornell U, Center for World Music, VOA, London University, etc) * Awards: U.P Chief Minister Trophy (India, 1987), East-West Center Associate (USA,1989-91), Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan Deroy Award (2003), ‘Sangeet Acharya’ title (India, 2008) etc *in Chandigarh Tribune "US maestro enchants music lovers" S D Sharma Chandigarh, February 24, 2007 The US-born performer T M Hoffman amazed the crowd with his command over the Indian vocal and instrumental music at a musical concert held at the Gov’t Museum auditorium as a part of the ongoing Rose Festival. The event was organised by the Administration in association with the Kaifi Azmi Foundation. *on Indiaedunews / National Network of Education http://www.indiaedunews.net/ "Avant Garde of Oriental Music" Ruchira Ghosh New Delhi, April 2, 2003 His passion for music must be seen to be believed!! And the depth of his knowledge of music is bound to stun the strongest of critics into silence. Meet T. M. (Timothy Michael) Hoffman, leading exponent of what may be called Asian 'classical crossover', a new genre of music that is set to counteract the growing Western influences on the diverse oriental schools of music by providing opportunity for intra-Asian innovations without diluting the distinctive flavours of the originals. ...it was a sheer delight to hear him play on the Japanese vertical bamboo flute shakuhachi while elaborating on the subtle nuances of Indian and Japanese classical music. One could not help marveling at how the man has painstakingly mastered the essentials of Indian classical music and studied the Devanagari and other Asian scripts in order to research the respective music systems. It was indeed amazing to hear him demonstrate effortlessly one raga after another. It is amply evident that the gentleman has imbibed the quintessence of music in his heart, mind and soul… *from Ralph W. Nicholas Chicago, February 29, 2008 President, American Institute of Indian Studies AIIS Professor (Anthropology) University of Chicago Yours is a fabulous report. You must be tireless. I am very much impressed, not only by all that you were able to accomplish, but also by your adaptation to the Indian cultural environment. There is a kind of law among anthropologists that the culture of the first fieldwork is the one you love, and subsequent ones always prove less lovable and, often, downright obnoxious. Given the strong contrasts between Japan and India, I think you are to be congratulated on your accomplishments in India. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
by hoffman-nada
| 2010-03-31 01:00
Indo-Japanese Music Exchange Association is a private, non-profit organisation founded in Tokyo in June 1989 for the purpose of promoting opportunities for Japanese and Indian musicians to observe, study and appreciate the classical music of their counterparts, both as performing art and subject of theoretical and historical study. Founding members of this Association have, through research and applied studies, ascertained that significant structural and stylistic correlations exist between Indian and Japanese musics, and that interaction between musicians of the two cultures can enhance mutual understanding and development within the respective traditions and in the broader context of Asian music.
The Indo-Japanese Music Exchange Association is guided by an advisory board comprised of fourteen respected cultural figures in Japan and India. Over fifty Association members in Japan and India are performing artists, teachers and advanced students of Japanese or Indian music. Performance, education and developmental projects are often carried out in conjunction with other organizations, including embassies, agencies and ministries of governments of Japan and India (also USA, Sri Lanka, others), Japan Foundation, Indian Council for Cultural Relations, American Institute of Indian Studies, Unesco, national universities and other educational institutions, and various NPOs. IJMEA has been honored with awards from national arts associations, Uttar Pradesh state gov’t, Foreign Correspondents Club, etc Committee Members: Honorary Chairperson: Hideo Tanabe (ret. Chairman, Society for Research in Asiatic Music) Vice-Chairperson: Shinji Tajima (Director, International Center for Literacy & Culture; author) Director: T. M. Hoffman (Lecturer, Keio University; performing artist) Advisory Board: (Japan) Dr Shigeo Araki (Professor Emeritus, Obirin University) Kazushi Ishida (music critic; Music Dept Head, Kurashiki Sakuyou University) Dr Masakata Kanazawa (Professor Emeritus, International Christian University) Keiko Nosaka (internationally renowned koto artist) Fumio Tanaka (Editor-in-Chief, Japanese music monthly Hogaku Journal) Tsuneo Yamada (Deputy Manager, Yomiuri Newspaper Publishing Co.) Katsuya Yokoyama (internationally renowned shakuhachi artist) (India) Dr. Varsha Das (Director, National Gandhi Museum, New Delhi) Dr. S. A. K. Durga (ethnomusicologist; Lecturer, Madras Music Academy) Ganesh Prasad Mishra (vocalist; ret. Principal, Bhatkhande College, Lucknow) Madhup Mudgal (vocalist; Principal, Gandharva Music College, New Delhi) Premlata Puri (Director, NGO Gyan; ret. Director-General, CCRT, New Delhi) A. Ramachandran (internationally renowned artist) Dr Vidyadhar Vyas (vocalist; SNA Awardee) Sample activities by the Indo-Japanese Music Exchange Association Workshops on Indian raga for Japanese instruments and/or voice Asao Culture Center, Kawasaki (6/89); Japan Culture & Information Centre, New Delhi (12/91); Kenchoji Zen Temple, Kamakura (9/93); Embassy of India, Tokyo (12/92 & 7/94); Kala Chhaya, Pune & India Int'l Centre, New Delhi (3/96); Japan Foundation, Tokyo (5/95, 10/98); Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Delhi (3/02, 3/03), Gokokuji Temple, Tokyo (6/04), Int’l Christian University, Tokyo & New York University (7/04); University of Delhi, BHU, Santiniketan, University of Madras, Brhaddvani (7-9/06); Nat’l Center for Perf Arts NCPA (1/07); Boston College, Wesleyan Univ, etc (10/08); Sri Lanka (2/09) Performances Bhatkhande Music College 60th Anniversary Music Festival, Lucknow (12/86); Tama Hall, Tokyo (11/89); ST Spot, Yokohama (6/90); Xebec Hall, Kobe (9/90); East-West Center, Hawaii (9/91); Int'l House of Japan, Tokyo (10/91 & 9/93); Ambedkar Auditorium, New Delhi (12/91); India Int'l Center IIC, New Delhi (4/92); San Diego State University (9/92); Ongaku-no-tomo Hall, Tokyo (9/93); Int'l Shakuhachi Festival, Okayama (8/94), Tokyo (8/02), New York City (7/04); NCPA, Bombay; Lok Kala Mandal, Udaipur; Embassy of Japan, New Delhi; Shilpakala Acadamy, Dhaka (all 3/95); Embassy of India, Tokyo (4/95, 7/03); Tilak Smarik Mandir, Pune; Lok Kala Mandal, Udaipur; IIC Delhi (2-3/96); Allauddin Khan Music Festival, Maihar (4/96); National Council of the Arts, Islamabad; London University (3/98); German Culture Center, Tokyo (5/01); University of Oregon (9/01); Indo-Japanese Relations 50th Anniversary Festival at Honganji, Tokyo (10/02); IIC, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Delhi; Bhatkhande Music Institute & UP Sangeet Natak Akademi, Lucknow; Allahabad Museum (all 3/03); Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (2/04); University of Chicago (3/04); Delhi University, IIT, Guru Nanak Dev University (India 3/05); Princeton University, etc (USA, 9/05); Andhra University (2/08, 3/09); Society for Ethnomusicology Intl Conference (USA 10/08); US Embassy, JNU, charity concerts etc (S Asia 2009-10); national TV/radio, from 1991 (India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Japan, USA, VOA International) Organization (samples) of visits for cooperative projects – sponsored by: To Japan: G P Mishra+two (15-30 Sep 93) – Gov’t of Japan, Unesco, Air-India Probir Mittra (Feb 04) – Air-India & Town of Shimonita, Gunma Vinod Kumar Mishra & Girdhar Prasad Mishra (Oct-Nov 04) – IJMEA Sudhir Gautam & Probir Mittra (May 06) – IJMEA & Air-India 4 Benares gharana artists (June 07) – IJMEA & Govt Agency for Cultural Affairs To India: T. M. Hoffman (numerous working tours since 1991) – IJMEA, other 8 Japanese musicians (25 Feb-9 Mar 96) – ICCR & Japan Foundation 3 Japanese musicians (12-31 Mar 03) – Japan Airlines & India Center 3 Japanese musicians (08-22 Mar 08) – Ministry of Foreign Affairs & AOTS T M Hoffman+India artists (Jul-Aug 08) – Embassy of USA & Air India T M Hoffman+Sri Lanka&India artists (16 Feb-30 Mar 09) – SriLankan Airlines Related articles and reports published in Japan (Japan Times, Hogaku Journal, Yomiuri Weekly, etc), India (Times of India, Hindustan Times, Pioneer, Sangeet Natak, etc) and elsewhere; music and interviews on broadcast media (NHK, VOA, AIR, Doordarshan, SS Music TV, NDTV, etc) + music instruction and consultation for cooperative research and practical music projects #
by hoffman-nada
| 2010-03-31 00:37
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